The Hello Frequency, A Lifestyle Podcast

Embracing Pluriversality....

Caya Episode 2

Join me on a journey of exploring pluriversal thinking in this latest podcast episode. I speak of how pluriversal thinking challenges the monolithic structures of knowledge, inviting us to consider a mosaic of perspectives that range from indigenous wisdom to contemporary insights. Tune in as I navigate through these converging streams of thought, guided by empathy and a shared desire for growth and transformation. Let us celebrate the power of listening, learning, unlearning, relearning, and connecting across the pluriverse.

1.     If you choose to engage with me on this platform, please do so at: - with transcripts for people with hearing impairment.


2.     ‘Hanna Worldwide & Friends’:

3.     Azarmandi, M. (2023). Disturbing a Discipline: Towards Pluriversal Peace and Conflict Studies. Journal of Intervention and State building, 1–15. 

Copyright and Citation

© Divakalala, C. (2024). Embracing Pluriversality! The Hello Frequency, A Lifestyle Podcast

The Hello Frequency Podcast, acknowledges the Tainui people, the tangata whenua of the Waikato region, where it was recorded. 

Welcome to The Hello Frequency: I am your host, Caya. 

Episode 2: Embracing Pluriversality!   

I begin by expressing deep gratitude to my listeners, followers, and subscribers. A special thanks to those of you who have shared my podcast with others and taken the time to rate it. I keep you all in my daily meditations and spiritual prayers. My goal is to bring a new episode to you every Friday. 

Your generosity strengthens my sense of hope and connection. It is as if we are standing at the edge of a vast ocean, ready to sail toward new horizons. The idea of collective stories speaks to our unique and shared experiences and the threads that bind us together as humans. And empathy becomes our compass, guiding us toward healing, growth, and positive transformation. 

Imagine an intricate fabric woven from countless individual narratives, each thread representing a moment of vulnerability, courage, compassion, or celebration. We learn from one another, drawing strength from our unique and shared struggles and triumphs. In this interconnected web of humanity, empathy becomes a bridge—a way to cross over into someone else’s world, to see through their eyes or other sensory perceptions and feel with their hearts. Since the 1980s, this is one the things that I have been exploring. This podcast is a medium for reflecting on and sharing some of these experiences, while also nurturing new ones with my guests. 

Let us first unpack the word pluriversal. The SAANZ2023 conference, organised by the Sociological Association of Aotearoa New Zealand in December 2023, focused on the theme of “Global Challenges and Local Responses.” I presented a paper at this conference and listened to the works of many others who have been grappling with these themes and offered some profound insights that shaped my thinking.  

One of them was Dr Mahdis Azarmandi, a critical scholar of peacebuilding, who provided intriguing insights into the term ‘pluriversal.’ I found it both novel and exciting to explore this word and incorporate it into my work. I have included the citation in the description if you would like to explore their work further. 

In the context of this podcast, I use the term ‘pluriversal’ to refer to perspectives that acknowledge and embrace multiple, diverse worldviews and cosmologies. It stands in contrast to a universal perspective, which assumes a single, dominant worldview applicable to all. For instance, pluriversal thinking involves acknowledging and engaging with multiple realities. Rather than imposing a single narrative or framework, it celebrates the coexistence of various narratives, beliefs, and ontologies.

For those interested in decolonial thinking, pluriversal approaches often emerge from decolonial thought. They challenge Eurocentric dominance and colonial legacies. Decolonial scholars argue that Western modernity has imposed its worldview on others, erasing alternative perspectives. Pluriversal thinking also explores epistemic pluralism, which means diverse ways of knowing and understanding the world. While I will not delve into too much detail here, it is worth noting that this perspective helps me make sense of the medium of podcasting, which mirrors the oral traditions of many of our cultures. Oral traditions hold significant value in indigenous knowledge.

Pluriversal thinking extends beyond human-centric views. It considers non-human entities, ecosystems, and the cosmos. For instance, indigenous cosmologies and many cultures from Asian and African societies often emphasise interconnectedness and reciprocity with nature. I am very excited to explore such topics with my guests. 

Finally, Pluriversality often emerges from Global South contexts, where marginalised voices resist homogenisation. It challenges the dominance of Western theories and methodologies. In my PhD thesis, I delve into this topic in detail. 

For this podcast, I invite you to embrace Pluriversal thinking—to appreciate the richness of diverse perspectives and recognise that there is no single “truth.” Instead, we navigate a complex web of realities, each contributing to our understanding of one another and the world at large. Let us explore and celebrate empathy as one of our pluriversal languages.

As we navigate this journey, let us hold space for each other. Let us listen, truly listen, to the stories that have the potential to shape us. These moments of connection lead us to knowing, healing, and transforming. Our wounds become pathways to wisdom, and our scars become constellations of hope. And as we heal, we become healers ourselves, passing on the gift of empathy to those who seek it. 

My life’s journey unfolds like an embroidery, woven with threads of resilience and connection. As my consciousness grew from the tender ages of 10 or 11, I found myself often standing at the intersection of past and present, tracing the lines of my own survival, connections I have fostered, the collective journeys that I have been part of, the lessons learned, mistakes made, the hurt and pain I have caused, and the celebrations we have had. One of the connecting threads of all these and more was empathy. 

I learned a lot from the delicate bridges I have built – both, sturdy and fragile. Each one holds profound meaning in its own unique way. As many of you can relate, human connections are among the toughest to forge and maintain or sustain. Each meaningful connection is worth exploring. Flora and fauna become your companions, their silent wisdom echoing through the years. Since COVID-19, I find myself spending more time with them than ever before. The rustle of leaves and the call of birds—they carry many messages of shared existence. I hear the voices of lost loved ones and fellow travellers or recollect memories shared with them almost every time I am out in nature. 

If you have noticed, sometimes there are chirping birds in the background of my podcast episodes. They inhabit the surroundings of my home, and I intentionally sit in this particular spot to record, hoping to include their presence in our conversations. 

The spiritual essence of certain connections never ceases to amaze me, especially when I feel their profound impact across thousands of kilometres. 

I am deeply grateful to my human connections, especially the ones that defy borders, boundaries, and labels. One such connection reintroduced radio into my life through the captivating podcast – Season 1 of ‘Serial’ by Sarah Koenig. Listening to it evoked memories of tuning in to the radio during challenging times. The exploration of human experiences, especially injustices, has become a compass for me. Inspired by the professionalism of ‘Serial’ and other podcasts, I aspire to become a podcast host myself.

Since then, I have delved into researching this medium. I grappled with questions like: Could I do this? Is this for me? 

I like to research, ponder, reflect, and then ponder again—especially when it comes to something I haven’t done before. What can I say, I am a nerd :)

In 2023, a good friend - starting her own podcast, ‘Hanna Worldwide & Friends’ - inspired me to take my intentions of exploring this medium as a host seriously. You can find the links to her podcast in the description. 

When I asked Hanna if she would like to connect with my virtual community – you'll, my listeners and readers – by sharing what she thought of my first couple of episodes, here is what she shared: 

“Knowing Caya personally, it just makes sense for such an amazing human being to spread compassion, empathy and love through a medium like this. Her experiences in life made her the understanding, caring and non-judgemental person she is. I am so proud of her and wish her lots of companions along this podcast journey. Love Hanna” 

Hanna, the same and more back to you. Thank you for nurturing my life! 

Along this journey, a few loved ones have been by my side, believing in me and encouraging me to embark on this journey. To them, I offer heartfelt gratitude. 

The shared laughter with someone halfway across the world is a reminder that joy transcends distance. And in those moments, I discovered the true power of empathy—the ability to bridge gaps, to see beyond differences, and to find solace in shared stories, yet, profoundly authentic. 

However, we must learn to listen deeply and genuinely without reacting. The difference between reacting and responding will be a theme that we will delve deep into in future episodes.   

You will meet some of these wonderful humans on this platform with whom I share meaningful connections. Celebrating them through this medium is one of the ways I express gratitude. Across continents, many of you weave your own fabrics of empathy, stitching together moments of vulnerability, courage, love, compassion, and more. If you decide to connect with me on this platform, I would be honoured. 

I have included links in the description where you can reach out to me. Additionally, there is a link to the transcript of each episode, specifically for people with hearing impairments. If you decide to use my content, please ensure you provide the appropriate citation from the transcription. 

In the upcoming episode, I will share more insights into my journey from having no social media presence to becoming a podcast host. It will revolve around the power of connecting continents without relying on social media handles. I hope you will join me! 

Please follow and rate or review my podcast, if you have not already. 

Should you find it relatable and valuable, please share it with your networks. I am forever grateful. 

Thank you for tuning in to “The Hello Frequency”. 

Remember, in a world where discord echoes loudly, let empathy be our pluriversal language! 

Until next time, this is Caya, tuning out from the Hello Frequency :) 


1.     If you choose to engage with me on this platform, please do so at: - with transcripts for people with hearing impairment. 


2.     ‘Hanna Worldwide & Friends’:

3.     Azarmandi, M. (2023). Disturbing a Discipline: Towards Pluriversal Peace and Conflict Studies. Journal of Intervention and State building, 1–15. 

Copyright and Citation

© Divakalala, C. (2024). Embracing Pluriversality! The Hello Frequency, A Lifestyle Podcast

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