The Hello Frequency, A Lifestyle Podcast

Introduction: Threads of Empathy


Welcome to “The Hello Frequency”, a lifestyle podcast where we explore a range of human experiences through candid dialogues. I am your host, Caya - a lifelong seeker of meanings and connections of all forms. My consciousness emerged from the turmoil of an ethnic conflict and a civil war in 1990s Northern Sri Lanka. The chaos and suffering I experienced and witnessed sparked a fire within me. It has always helped me to understand, alleviate, and transform pain, find connections, and heal with a sense of community. Having embraced these life philosophies for four decades, my journey of passionately seeking meaningful connections continues. This podcast embodies one of them.

Copyright and Citation

© Divakalala, C. (2024). Introduction: Threads of Empathy. The Hello Frequency, A Lifestyle Podcast


Welcome to “The Hello Frequency”, a podcast where we explore a range of human experiences through candid dialogues. I am your host, Caya - a lifelong seeker of meanings and connections of all forms. My consciousness emerged from the turmoil of an ethnic conflict and a civil war in 1990s Northern Sri Lanka. The chaos and suffering I experienced and witnessed sparked a fire within me. It has always helped me to understand, alleviate, and transform pain, find connections, and heal with a sense of community. Having embraced these life philosophies for four decades, my journey of passionately seeking meaningful connections continues. This podcast embodies one of them. 

The name of this podcast, “The Hello Frequency”, reflects the conversational and informative tone that I aim for. It also reflects the word “Hello”, which is pluriversal, meaning that it is used in many cultures and languages and that it has multiple meanings and implications. I will be exploring words like this, that challenge our assumptions and broaden our perspectives with renewed insights. 

In each episode, I will be discussing the power of empathy, the ability to understand and relate to others, even when we disagree or differ. I think that empathy is the key to promoting social harmony and overcoming the hate and division that plague our world. I will be saying Hello to many individuals, both literally and metaphorically, and inviting them to share their stories with us. Their authentic stories of connecting to others despite the odds will unravel the threads of empathy. Together, we will weave imaginary fabrics of empathy for positive transformations and healing. 

This podcast is my first venture into this medium, and I am both excited and terrified. I know that this journey will not be easy, but I am ready to take on this challenge with hope and compassion. This helps me to embrace vulnerability and honesty, trusting in the transformative power of collective sharing, creation, and solidarity. 

I hope you will join me on this journey, and I look forward to interacting with you all, my virtual community, through this medium. Thank you for tuning into “The Hello Frequency”. Remember, in a world where discord echoes loudly, let empathy be our pluriversal language! Until next time, this is Caya, tuning out from the Hello Frequency :)

Copyright and Citation

© Divakalala, C. (2024). Introduction. The Hello Frequency, A Lifestyle Podcast

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